
JobRTS is a Resume Tracking System for Job Applications

Applying for jobs can be an extremely frustrating and time-consuming process, especially in this job market. Recruiters have all the upper-hand and they know it. They have tons of technology and tools that helps them sort and filter candidates. Isn’t it about time that applicants get something as well?

JobRTS was created to help people that are applying for jobs. Too often there was a “new” job posting that turned out to be a job I had applied to months before. The rise of these “ghost jobs” led me to waste time creating a new resume and cover letter only to be unable to submit because I had already applied. Most companies send a notification email that you have applied, but the ones that don’t? How are you supposed to remember that you applied 6 months ago?

And if they do call you back, do you remember exactly what tools and technologies you need to talk about from the job posting? Hopefully they didn’t take it down already. Do you remember what you requested for the salary for later negotiations? Did they even look at your resume? JobRTS can help with all of that!